Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Awesome Book Art

I found this the other day while I was researching pop-up books for my latest project. I think I will be adding this to my to-make list.

Simon's Cat

I love these little videos! It makes me smile every time. Check out

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hi y'all!

I have recently discovered a new favorite photographer named Cindy Sherman. Currently, she has some work on display at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. It is absolutely amazing how she can mold herself into these different characters who she is trying to portray.

Chapter One

Drum roll please.....

This is the first post for my new blog where I will post about all things inspirational. It will mainly consist of artistic inspirations and thoughts. It is my own little art blog. My hope is that it will not only be an inspiration to me, but whomever reads this will also find something inspirational as well.

I will start off with a link to an artist who makes kinetic sculptures. His name is Reuben Margolin ( ), and he is simply amazing. The first time I came across this video, it took my breath away.